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The Best Friend Bargain (Kisses in the Sand) Page 5
The Best Friend Bargain (Kisses in the Sand) Read online
Page 5
He hugged her back, and she could have stood like that all day. Reluctantly, she let go and climbed into the car.
When they walked into the doctor’s office ten minutes later, Danny garnered quite a bit of attention. From the other women sitting in the waiting room, from the receptionist, from the nurse when she called for a patient. In typical Danny fashion, he didn’t notice. He kept his nose buried in Architectural Digest.
After several minutes of his leg bouncing, though, she put her hand on his thigh. “Hey,” she whispered, “if you’re nervous you can wait outside. I promise I’ll tell you everything afterward.”
“I’m good.” He stopped the bouncing, and Liv quickly lifted her hand away.
“Miss Lincoln,” the nurse said.
Liv got to her feet. She couldn’t help but smile when Danny tossed the magazine onto the side table and jumped to his.
The pretty RN held the office door open. “Hi, Danny.”
“Hi, Sabrina.”
It was clear by the look that passed between Danny and the nurse that they knew each other. In that way. Liv’s muscles clenched in discomfort—and displeasure. It shouldn’t bother her, but it did. So much so that she wondered if she should find a different doctor so she didn’t have to see Sabrina on every visit.
Once inside the patient room, Sabrina motioned for Danny to take a seat in a chair by the window while Liv sat on the examination table. She wrote down Liv’s health history, then took her vitals and weight. Sabrina was warm and friendly, and Liv liked her. Of course she did. Danny didn’t choose standoffish women for his quick liaisons.
Sabrina motioned for Liv to follow her to the restroom so Liv could leave a urine sample. When Liv returned to the room, Sabrina pulled a paper gown and paper drape out of the cupboard underneath the sink and directed Liv to remove all of her clothing and put it on, open in the front. “The doctor will be in shortly,” Sabrina said as she left the room.
“I’ll step into the hallway,” Danny said. Not much ruffled him, but Liv was pretty sure if he had feathers they’d be mussed right now.
“No! I mean, you can’t. Supposedly you’ve seen me naked.” Liv did a Vanna White sweep toward her tummy. “Just turn around.”
Even with his back to her, and knowing he couldn’t see anything—and didn’t care to—it didn’t stop tiny sparks of awareness from flickering over her exposed skin. Danny sat a few feet away, yet she’d never been so acutely aware of him. His body, his strength, his appeal.
She’d loved him for a long time, as best friends do, but what she felt for him right this minute added a new layer to that affection. She told her hormonal brain to let it go, to look at things from a clinical standpoint. They were both mature adults who could handle some nakedness. Feelings and emotions were not required. In fact, they were better left forgotten, stuffed into a box and left in a waterproof vault at the bottom of the ocean.
“All set.”
Danny turned. His gaze went right to her bare legs before jumping up to her face. He and Zane had taught her to surf and they’d swam in the ocean together a hundred times, so he’d seen her in less than the paper robe, but something flashed in his eyes this time that she’d never noticed before.
“You nervous?” he asked.
“A little.” As always, he sensed her anxiety, but he didn’t know part of it was because of this new vibe between them. Did he feel the weirdness, too? “I’m sorry I’ve put you in an uncomfortable position. I forgot about the whole paper gown thing.”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“But you didn’t sign up for it.”
“Don’t start thinking I’m not happy to be doing this, Liv. You’re stuck with me, so quit worrying.” He pushed his legs out and crossed them at the ankles, slouched against the chair back.
She appreciated his relaxed posture considering he was the one stuck, not her. “So, Sabrina, huh? Is that going to be a problem?”
“What? No.”
“Come on. She looked at you like she wanted to climb you like a stripper pole.”
He shook his head in confusion. “I don’t even know what that means, but no.”
Liv raised her eyebrows.
“We got together a couple of times, but I haven’t seen her in months.”
“Okay. Change of topic. Is there such a thing as a bacon and honey sandwich because I think I need one.” Danny made a face like he’d eaten something sour. “On toasted bread that’s been buttered.” Liv let out a sigh. “I think I’m having my first craving. I had no idea it would be so specific. Got a fix for me when we’re done here?”
“Absolutely.” His expression softened. A smile played at the corners of his lips.
Liv grinned. Years ago, she, Danny, and Bryce had taken a road trip up to Otter Creek, Oregon, to see Zane surf and they’d played the one-word-that-starts-with-the-same-letter game. Bryce had kicked their butts, but every now and then when he wasn’t around, she or Danny liked to toss the challenge out. The only catch? It had to make sense in the context of their conversation. “Admirable,” she tossed back.
He sat taller, put his elbows on his knees, and leaned forward. Being under his fixed gaze made her squirm. The paper under her bottom rustled.
“All right.”
She could call him on that. It was two words. Instead she said, “And.”
“And?” he repeated, letting her get another word in rather than call her out on the conjunction, which was a no-no.
A knock on the door and the doctor’s entrance ended their game. Dr. Silver introduced herself and went over Liv’s health history again before going into a detailed description of what to expect. She prescribed prenatal vitamins, went over weight gain, nutrition and exercise, and most importantly told her the baby’s due date. April 30th. Olivia was nine weeks pregnant.
“An increased sex drive during pregnancy is normal,” Dr. Silver continued, her attention bouncing between Liv and Danny. “And perfectly safe. So feel free to keep sex on the agenda.”
Liv had never blushed in front of Danny before, but her cheeks were currently on fire.
Dr. Silver asked if Liv had any questions and proceeded to answer them in a way that put Liv at ease. The look of horror on Danny’s face when Dr. Silver announced a breast and pelvic exam came next was priceless. He stood, not knowing what to do with himself. Before Liv could say anything, Dr. Silver put a reassuring hand on his arm and told him a lot of first-time dads were uncomfortable with this, so if he preferred to step outside the room, he could, no problem.
He declined the offer, instead finding something interesting to stare at outside the window. His staying in the room put stupid tears in the back of Liv’s eyes. Once finished, Dr. Silver apologized for being short on time—an emergency delivery had come up—and told them during the next visit they’d listen to the baby’s heartbeat. Liv’s heart pounded so hard at the thought she was sure Danny and Dr. Silver heard it. Danny stepped to her side and squeezed her hand. She squeezed back.
After a quick stop at the lab next door so Liv could give blood for several routine tests, Danny stood outside the passenger door of his truck while she belted herself in.
“I’ve ruined you for future appointments, haven’t I?” she asked before he could say whatever had him rooted to her side of the car. She’d asked a lot of him today and wouldn’t blame him if he wanted to back out of their bargain.
“I don’t ruin, especially where you’re concerned.”
Do not cry at his perfect words. “O-kay,” she choked out.
“But the dad thing is a lot to take in.”
“So forgive me if I don’t do all the right things while I process it.”
“There’s nothing to forgive,” she said, squeezing his arm.
“There will be.”
Olivia couldn’t read Danny’s expression so she didn’t know what had clouded his usual confidence. She started to ask, but he shut the car door with a loud thud, putting an end to their conversation.
Chapter Four
Danny sat on his bed, laptop on his thighs, and hit send on another invoice for the designer in LA. He’d read over the damn thing five times to make sure he hadn’t transposed any numbers or made any typos. His eyes were tired, his mind preoccupied.
Today had been weird, but in a good way. To be involved with something so personal for Liv stirred up emotions Danny hadn’t expected. He’d always felt close to her, but being in that small examination room had turned that closeness on its head and magnified it. Every protective bone in his body had responded to the doctor’s explanations. And for the first time since Liv had told him she was pregnant, he’d wondered what it would be like to be a dad. A second later he’d wondered if it was fair, to himself and to Liv’s child, because Danny would never see the child reach all the milestones parents looked forward to.
Flip the coin again, and he knew this was the closest he’d ever get to “fatherhood.” On the drive away from the doctor’s office he’d asked himself if he could do this 100 percent. If Will kept his distance it fell to Danny to raise another man’s child. Danny didn’t take the responsibility lightly.
Liv had gotten quieter than usual during lunch and remained that way at dinner. He’d gotten good at reading her over the years, so he knew she was pulling back. Worried that today had been too much for him. It kind of had been.
They wouldn’t be lying about their marriage. It wasn’t a traditional union, but it wasn’t a fake. The baby, however, opened up a slew of half-truths and undermined his integrity and the relationships he’d made in White Strand. That didn’t sit well with him. Which had led to him snapping at Liv about something stupid and then feeling like shit for doing so. She’d headed upstairs without another word to him after that.
Damn it. He put aside his laptop and walked down the hall to her bedroom. “Liv?” he said, voice raised but apologetic.
She didn’t answer so he knocked. “Maybug?”
Still no reply, but he heard rustling. She was in bed, probably reading.
“I’m sorry,” he said through the door. “I was out of line earlier. This is just…it’s a lot to deal with and I’m still figuring out how to handle it. I’m all in, but I need you to cut me some slack once in a while.”
He waited for her to say something or open the door. He got nothing.
Her silence bothered him. Hadn’t they agreed to talk about everything? He was tempted to barge in without invitation when he heard a very faint, “Okay.”
Not exactly the brief conversation he wanted to have, but he’d take it. He put his palm on the door. “Thanks. Good night.”
Back in his room, he pushed thoughts of Liv away and resumed work on his laptop.
A few minutes later a new email popped up in his inbox.
Olivia Lincoln
Re: Honey Love
October 12, 8:57 PM
It’s official. I want to marry honey. Something that makes me feel this good deserves all my attention.
Danny laughed, grateful his friend didn’t hold his being an ass against him. Liv had loved her sandwich this afternoon so much they’d stopped at the store to load up on jars of honey. She’d put it on her baked chicken tonight and in the peppermint tea she took with her to bed.
Danny Ellis
Re: Thanks Sugar
October 12, 8:59 PM
Far be it for me to stand in the way of your true love. I guess this means the Chips Ahoy are fair game now.
Olivia Lincoln
Re: Finders Keepers
October 12, 9:00 PM
If you can find them.
Danny Ellis
Re: Seriously?
October 12, 9:01 PM
You know I’m better at hide and seek than you are.
Olivia Lincoln
Re: Seriously?
October 12, 9:01 PM
You found them already? I suck.
Danny Ellis
Re: Or you’re messy
October 12, 9:02 PM
Word to the wise: Don’t leave a crumb trail.
Olivia Lincoln
Re: Excellent
October 12, 9:03 PM
Now that I know it was me that led you to the goods, your powers of deduction have been stripped, Cookie Thief, and future stashes shall be impossible to locate.
P.S. Do they make honey cookies?
Danny Ellis
Re: Honey, I’m home
October 12, 9:07 PM
“They” do. After a quick Internet search, see the attached recipe. I chose the simplest one for you. Simple = Less Mess
P.S. Baking is a good look for you.
Olivia Lincoln
Re: Wipe that grin off your face
October 12, 9:10 PM
Let’s just say for argument’s sake that I was to bake for you. With chocolate chips even. What would I get in return?
Danny Ellis
Re: Your favorite thing
October 12, 9:11 PM
How about this weekend?
Olivia Lincoln
Re: Deal
October 12, 9:12 PM
Hey, do you think my love of honey means Baby Lincoln is going to be a Winnie the Pooh fan? I loved Winnie the Pooh. Did you?
Danny Ellis
Re: Bee-ware
October 12, 9:13 PM
I did. My mom dressed me as him for Halloween one year. Got stung by a bee for the first time the same day. I became a Tigger fan after that.
Olivia Lincoln
Re: Why is Tigger so bouncy?
October 12, 9:14 PM
He eats spring rolls. Lol
Sorry about the sting. Bees only sting sweet things, you know.
Danny Ellis
Re: What did Winnie the Pooh say to Jerry McGuire?
October 12, 9:15 PM
Show me the honey!
Keep up with the sweet talk and I’ll have to show you my not-so-sweet side, Miss Lincoln.
Olivia Lincoln
Re: Flirt
October 12, 9:17 PM
That kind of talk might work on every other female who lays eyes on you, but I’m immune to your charms, Mr. Ellis.
I’m going to sleep now. Sweet dreams. :D
Danny Ellis
Re: Good night
October 12, 9:18 PM
Danny shut his laptop, his head falling back against the headboard as he closed his eyes. He had been flirting, caught up in the fun exchange with Liv and liking it a hell of a lot. He’d wanted to email back he’d be dreaming of her, but some truths were best kept secret.
He was a guy. It was normal to dream about the woman sleeping down the hall in a T-shirt and nothing else. Yeah, that was the problem. Liv had once told him she didn’t sleep in underwear, which meant that’s all he thought about now when he saw her ready for bed. Did she wait until she slid under the covers to slip off her panties? Or did she walk around commando?
Why was he thinking about his best friend like this again? He jumped off the bed, threw on a pair of board shorts. Five minutes later, wetsuit on and surfboard under his arm, he took to the surf. He had to clear his head the best way he knew how.
Alone, out in the water, it didn’t matter that his night vision continued to deteriorate. All he needed was that one glimpse of the wave, the smell of the salty air, the sound of the waves crashing. Then he felt every molecule of the sea, the rush, the surge, the swell, like it was an extension of his body. He became one with the ocean, weightless, part of nature’s energy. With every paddle his arms made, every balancing act on his board, his mind unclouded.
Eyes closed, he took one final wave back to shore.
Not for the first time, he walked home with his eyes shut to see if he could do it. To get a feel for what it would be like when he didn’t have his sight to guide him. The nose of his
board hit something. He stopped, opened his eyes. He’d made it one fence farther than he had the last time.
Back in the garage, he leaned his board against the far wall, hung his wetsuit up, and toweled off before heading into the house.
Olivia stood at the kitchen counter with a glass of milk and her hand in the package of Chips Ahoy he hadn’t touched or moved from her hiding spot. “How was it?” she asked, thoughtful concern in her voice.
She didn’t like when he surfed at night. But, more significant, she also knew he only did it when things troubled him.
“It was good.” He sat on a barstool across from her. “Sorry to keep you up. I thought I’d snuck out.”
“It seems another one of my new things is light sleeping.” She held out her arm. “Cookie?”
He smiled and took it. “Thanks. New things? What new things?”
“Probably only one of them is sharable.” She picked up her evening snack and walked around the counter to take the stool next to him.
Wearing only a pink tee with the word “Angel” and the number 10 on the front. She definitely wasn’t wearing a bra. And she definitely filled out the shirt better than…he forced his eyes back to her face. Jesus, one good look at her and she’d wiped out the mind-numbing effects of his surf excursion. Thankfully, her attention was on getting situated in her seat. The last thing he wanted was her catching him ogling.
What had they been talking about? Oh yeah, new things. Whatever that meant. “So start with the ones that aren’t sharable then.”
She stayed focused on the countertop, took a deep breath. His eyes only dipped to her chest for a split second. Okay, three, maybe four seconds.
“I really want to because I’m not sure they’re all normal and it would be great to talk about them, but maybe I should just give Sophie a call tomorrow.”
Dammit. This is exactly what he didn’t want to happen. He took her chin in his hand and turned her face to his. Her dark green eyes, always so full of trust, held a hint of hesitancy that killed him. “We’ve always told each other everything and that isn’t going to stop now. No matter what it is, I’m here for you.”
Which made him a hypocrite, because no way could he tell her everything going on inside his head.
She leaned forward. He didn’t know what to make of the unexpected move and dropped his chin, tilted his head. Enough that when Liv’s kiss, aimed for his cheek he was sure, made contact, her soft mouth met with the corner of his.